Ґрунтовне дослідження дитячих образів у творах аудіовізуального мистецтва в жанрі хоррор


  • Олександр Безручко Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв, Україна http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8360-9388



Ключові слова:

жанр, жах, дитина, зображення, робота, аудіовізуальне мистецтво, культурологія, характер, зло


У 2023 році у Видавничому центрі Київського університету культури вийшла друком цікава і, можливо, незвична монографія Христини Баталіної “Дитина як втілення зла у фільмах жахів ХХ – ХХІ століть”. Дослідження дослідниці образів дітей у світових та українських творах аудіовізуального мистецтва в жанрі жахів допоможе розкрити глибинні аспекти людської психології та культурних стереотипів, пов’язаних із зображенням дітей у фільмах жахів як втілення зла та його випадкових носіїв. Хоча немовлята здебільшого асоціюються з невинністю та безпекою, вони також іноді можуть уособлювати загрозу та страх, особливо в контексті вербальних та екранних наративів.

Біографія автора

Олександр Безручко, Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв

Доктор мистецтвознавства, професор


Batalina, K. and Kostiuk, N., 2022. Violence in the Context of World Cinema History. Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series in Audiovisual Art and Production, [e-journal] 5 (1), pp.54-63. https://doi.org/10.31866/2617-2674.5.1.2022.257178

Batalina, K.F., 2023. Dytyna yak vtilennia zla u filmakh zhakhiv XX–XXІ st. [The child as the embodiment of evil in horror films of the 20th-21st centuries]. Kyiv: Vydavnychyi tsentr KUK.

Bezruchko, O. and Kachmar, N., 2021. The Development of Contemporary Ukrainian Cinema. Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series in Audiovisual Art and Production, [e-journal] 4 (2), pp.208-216. https://doi.org/10.31866/2617-2674.4.2.2021.248680

Bezruchko, O. and Sukhin, M., 2023. Animated Documentaries in Modern Cinematic Art: Specifics of Production. Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series in Audiovisual Art and Production, [e-journal] 6 (2), pp.241-251. https://doi.org/10.31866/2617-2674.6.2.2023.289310

Bezruchko, O., Gavran, I., Hrabarchuk, O., Kostiuk, N. and Kot, H., 2020. Ideological Concepts in the Cinematography of the Interwar Period. Astra Salvensis, 1, pp.669-690.

Gavran, I., Levchenko, O. and Pasichnyk, O., 2021. Terror Through Screen Images as a Power Discourse. Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series in Audiovisual Art and Production, [e-journal] 4 (1), pp.28-34. https://doi.org/10.31866/2617-2674.4.1.2021.235066

Kostiuk, Kh., 2011a. Vplyv ekrannoi zhorstokosti na dytiachu ta pidlitkovu zhorstokist [The impact of screen violence on child and adolescent violence]. In: Ukrainskyi kinematohraf: mynule, sohodennia, perspektyvy [Ukrainian cinematography: past, present, prospects]. Collection of Proceedings of the 3rd round table. Kyiv, Ukraine, 9 February, 2011. Kyiv, pp.58-61.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2011b. Do istorii stvorennia ta interpretatsii odnoho z mifiv suchasnoho kinematohrafichnoho “khorroru” [To the history of creation and interpretations of one of the myths of modern cinematic “horror”]. Studii mystetstvoznavchi, 1, pp.99-109.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2011c. Perspektyvy rozvytku khorroru v Ukraini [Prospects for the development of horror in Ukraine]. In: Perspektyvy rozvytku ekrannykh mystetstv v Ukraini [Prospects for the development of screen arts in Ukraine]. Collection of Proceedings of the 3rd round table. Kyiv, Ukraine, 17 November, 2011. Kyiv, pp.60-64.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2012a. Do istorii rozvytku obrazu dytyny u filmakh zhakhiv [To the history of the development of the image of a child in horror films]. Studii mystetstvoznavchi, 1, pp.102-109.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2012b. Nasylstvo yak ekranna tekhnolohiia [Violence as screen technology]. In: Kulturno-mystetske seredovyshche: Tvorchist ta tekhnolohii [Cultural and artistic environment: Creativity and technologies]. Collection of Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kyiv, Ukraine, 8-9 November, 2012. Kyiv, pp.121-122.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2012c. “Nehatyvni” roli Ivana Mykolaichuka [“Negative” roles of Ivan Mykolaichuk]. In: Ukrainskyi kinematohraf: mynule, sohodennia, perspektyvy [Ukrainian cinematography: past, present, prospects]. Collection of Proceedings of the IV round table. Kyiv, Ukraine, 10 February, 2012. Kyiv, pp.78-81.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2012d. Peredumovy dlia vynyknennia obrazu dytyny yak nosiia zla v suchasnomu ukrainskomu ta rosiiskomu kinematohrafi [Prerequisites for the emergence of the image of a child as a bearer of evil in modern Ukrainian and Russian cinema]. Studii mystetstvoznavchi, 3, pp.59-65.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2012e. Problema nasyllia na suchasnomu teleekrani [The problem of violence on the modern TV screen]. In: Perspektyvy rozvytku ekrannykh mystetstv v Ukraini [Prospects for the development of screen arts in Ukraine]. Collection of Proceedings of the IV round table. Kyiv, Ukraine, 6 November, 2012. Kyiv, pp.73-76.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2013a. Zhanry kinematohrafu [Genres of cinematography]. In: Aktualni pytannia ekrannoi tvorchosti [Current issues of screen creativity]. Kyiv: KyMU, Vol. 2, pp.71-88.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2013b. Zhanrovyi kinematohraf yak zasib suchasnoi mifotvorchosti [Genre cinema as a means of modern mythmaking]. In: Perspektyvy rozvytku ekrannykh mystetstv v Ukraini [Prospects for the development of screen arts in Ukraine]. Collection of Proceedings of the V round table. Kyiv, Ukraine, 12 November, 2013. Kyiv, pp.74-78.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2013c. Ekranni mystetstva yak zasib formuvannia suchasnoi mifolohichnoi svidomosti [Screen arts as a means of forming modern mythological consciousness]. Studii mystetstvoznavchi, 3-4, pp.14-22.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2013d. Mistychni motyvy u tvorchosti Yuriia Illienka [Mystical motifs in the work of Yuriy Illenko]. Ukrainoznavchyi almanakh, 11, pp.202-204.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2013e. Osoblyvosti ekrannoho traktuvannia mifolohemy «zloi» dytyny v ramkakh zhanru khorror u 1990-2000-nykh rokakh [Peculiarities of the on-screen treatment of the myth of the “evil” child within the framework of the horror genre in the 1990s and 2000s]. In: Kinoznavstvo, kulturolohiia ta mystetstvoznavstvo (sotsialno-komunikatsiinyi aspekt) [Film studies, cultural studies and art studies (social and communication aspect)]. Kyiv: KyMU, pp.279-307.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2014. Suchasne zhanrove kino yak nosii mifolohichnoho nachala. [Modern genre cinema as a carrier of mythological principle]. In: Naukovo-praktychni doslidzhennia rozvytku tvorchoho protsesu v riznykh vydakh mystetstva (kinematohraf, telebachennia, teatr, media) [Scientific and practical studies of the development of the creative process in various forms of art (cinematography, television, theater, media)]. Kyiv: KyMU, Vol. 2, pp.231-244.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2015a. Do problemy zhanrovoi definitsii khorroru [To the problem of genre definition of horror]. In: Ukrainskyi kinematohraf: mynule, sohodennia, perspektyvy [Ukrainian cinematography: past, present, prospects]. Collection of Proceedings of the VII round table. Kyiv, Ukraine, 5 February, 2015. Kyiv, pp.110-116.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2015b. Italiiskyi hotychnyi film [Italian gothic film]. In: Chubasivski chytannia [Chubasiv readings]. Collection of Proceedings of the II round table. Kyiv, Ukraine, 12 March, 2015. Kyiv, pp.112-119.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2016a. Do pytannia rozmezhuvannia zhanriv trylleru, khororu i fantastyky v suchasnomu kinomystetstvi [To the issue of distinguishing the genres of thriller, horror and fantasy in modern cinema]. In: Dyskursyvnyi vymir suchasnoho mystetstva: dialoh kultur [Discursive dimension of modern art: dialogue of cultures]. Collection of Proceedings of the scientific theoretical conference. Kyiv, Ukraine, 30 November, 2016. Kyiv, pp.77-78.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2016b. Ekranne traktuvannia motyvu monstruoznoi dytyny u pershomu desiatylitti 2000-kh rokiv [On-screen interpretation of the motif of the monstrous child in the first decade of the 2000s]. In: Mystetstvoznavstvo. Sotsialni komunikatsii. Mediapedahohika [Art studies. Social communications. Media pedagogy]. Kyiv: Vydavnychyi tsentr KNUKiM, Vol. 2, pp.97-111.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2016c. Italiiskyi khorror 60-kh: irratsionalnyi zhakh na ekrani [Italian horror of the 60s: irrational horror on the screen]. Naukovyi visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu teatru, kino i telebachennia imeni I. K. Karpenka-Karoho, 18, pp.89-98.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2016d. Katehorii strashnoho i zhakhlyvoho u khorrori [Categories of scary and terrible in horror]. In: Dovzhenkivski chytannia [Dovzhenki’s readings]. Collection of Proceedings of the round table. Kyiv, Ukraine, 12 September, 2016. Kyiv, pp.43-45.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2016e. Konservatyvnist filmu zhakhiv: problema multykulturalizmu [The Conservatism of the Horror Film: The Problem of Multiculturalism]. In: Perspektyvy rozvytku audiovizualnoho mystetstva [Prospects for the development of audiovisual art]. Collection of Proceedings of the round table. Kyiv, Ukraine, 10 October, 2016. Kyiv, pp.49-51.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2016f. Problemy zhanrovoi definitsii khorroru: osoblyvosti rozmezhuvannia ta mnozhynnist traktuvannia [Problems of genre definition of horror: peculiarities of demarcation and multiplicity of interpretation]. In: Heneza idei i dynamika rozvytku ekrannykh mystetstv [The genesis of ideas and the dynamics of the development of screen arts]. Kyiv, Vol. 2, pp.130-146.

Kostiuk, Kh., 2017. Arkhetypni strakhy u suchasnomu filmi zhakhiv [Archetypal fears in the modern horror film]. In: 120-richchia ukrainskoho kino [120th anniversary of Ukrainian cinema]. Collection of Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Kyiv, Ukraine, 20 December, 2016. Kyiv, pp.59-61.

Kotliar, S., Mykhalov, V. and Pereiaslavets, D., 2022. Cinematography and Modern Media. Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series in Audiovisual Art and Production, [e-journal] 5(1), pp.70-76. https://doi.org/10.31866/2617-2674.5.1.2022.257181

Medvedieva, A. and Chernenko, S., 2021. Issues of the Interview Genre in Contemporary Media Space. Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series in Audiovisual Art and Production, [e-journal] 4 (1), pp.11-17. https://doi.org/10.31866/2617-2674.4.1.2021.235059

Myslavskyi, V. and Bezruchko, O., 2021. The topic of the Soviet-Ukrainian war (1917–1921) in Ukrainian cinematography of the 1920s. Culture of Ukraine, [e-journal] 73, pp.86-90. https:/doi.org/10.31516/2410-5325.073.12

Myslavskyi, V., Chmil, G., Bezruchko, O. and Cherkasova, N., 2020. From “The Eleventh Year” to “The Man with a Movie Camera”: conceptual search of Dziga Vertov. Media Education, [e-journal] 60 (3), pp.507-514. https://doi.org/10.13187/me.2020.3.507

Myslavskyi, V., Chmil, G., Bezruchko, O. and Kupriichuk V., 2021. Formation of Ukrainian Newsreel and Documentary Cinema in 1923-1928. Media Education, [e-journal] 17(4), pp.684- 692. https://doi.org/10.13187/me.2021.4.684

Myslavskyi, V., Chmil, G., Bezruchko, O. and Markhaichuk, N., 2020. Poetics of Ukrainian Film “Earth”: Oleksandr Dovzhenko’s Conceptual Search. Media Education, [e-journal] 60(4), pp.713-720. https://doi.org/10.13187/me.2020.4.713

Sichna, K. F, 2018a. Obraz dytyny yak tsentralnoho personazha u filmakh zhakhiv druhoi polovyny XX – pochatku XXI stolittia [The image of a child as the central character in Horror Movies of the 2nd part of 20th – the 1st part of 21st centuries]. Abstract of the Ph D. Instytut mystetstvoznavstva, folklorystyky ta etnolohii im. M. T. Rylskoho Natsionalnoi akademii nauk Ukrainy.

Sichna, K. F, 2018b. Obraz dytyny yak tsentralnoho personazha u filmakh zhakhiv druhoi polovyny XX – pochatku XXI stolittia [The image of a child as the central character in Horror Movies of the 2nd part of 20th – the 1st part of 21st centuries]. Ph D. Instytut mystetstvoznavstva, folklorystyky ta etnolohii im. M. T. Rylskoho Natsionalnoi akademii nauk Ukrainy.

Sichna, K., 2019. Concerning the Issue of the Horror Films Basic Philosophic and Aesthetic Categories Distinguishing. Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series in Audiovisual Art and Production, [e-journal] 2 (1), pp.50-58. https://doi.org/10.31866/2617-2674.2.1.2019.170871

Sichna, Kh., 2017a. Kontseptsiia Zla v obrazi dytyny: kinematohrafichni variatsii u filmakh zhakhiv [The Concept of Evil as a Child: Cinematic Variations in Horror Films]. European philosophical and historical discourse, [online] 3 (4), pp.89-93. Available at: <https://ephd.cz/wp-content/uploads/2017/ephd_2017_3_4/15.pdf> [Accessed 29 December 2023].

Sichna, Kh., 2017b. Kontseptsiia poviazanoi zi zlom dytyny u yaponskomu neokaidani [The concept of the evil child in Japanese Neokaidan]. In: 130-richchia vid dnia narodzhennia Ivana Kavaleridze [130th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Kavaleridze]. Collection of Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Kyiv, Ukraine, 29 December, 2017. Kyiv, pp.54-56.




Як цитувати

Безручко, О. (2024). Ґрунтовне дослідження дитячих образів у творах аудіовізуального мистецтва в жанрі хоррор. Вісник Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв. Серія: Аудіовізуальне мистецтво і виробництво, 7(1), 155–165. https://doi.org/10.31866/2617-2674.7.1.2024.302777

