Магістерський фотомистецький проєкт «Еротика у фотографії: від аналога до цифри». Частина 2
The author’s idea. The idea of this photographic project was to create an erotic photographic work, namely such images that contain elements of fine art, which are closely intertwined with the myths and legends of ancient Greece. Throughout photographic history, both historical aspects and stylistic images of the visual art of each era are explored and intersected.
The photographic project is based on the story of characters such as Eros, and the three graces – Innocence, Beauty, and Love. During the development of the storyline, the characters go through the ages, their aesthetics, and expressiveness. The passage of time and the development of society in terms of morality change the attitude toward the naked human body and its interpretation.
The analysis of the beauty of the human body in various forms of sensuality is carried out. It is established that eroticism is the result of the process of ontogenetic, and cultural development and expresses the individual psychological and semantic components of the human body’s uniqueness. And photography, as the most common way of visual communication, has formed modern ideas about it.
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