Магістерський фотомистецький проєкт «В пошуках сенсу буття»
The author’s idea for this photography art project is to capture the important aspects of human life that give our lives meaning, such as family, friendship, and love. The aim is to show sincere emotions, people’s relationships with each other, with the world around the,m and with themselves. Before, the author tried not just to photograph moments in the lives of the people around her, but in each photograph to tell a story – theirs and her own.
The series consists of both staged and unstaged photographs in a cinematic style. The order in which the photographs are placed in the photo art project, their titles, and the color correction in post-production illustrate the changes in the state of mind of the storyteller herself. Throughout the project, the journey from hopelessness to a newfound meaning of life is illustrated through the search for important life values and beauty in the surrounding world, people, and their relationships.
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